Before you start tapping away at your keyboard and generating content for your MLM website or blog, the first thing you need to figure out is what you’re going to write. What topics are you going to cover with you’re writing? Which questions are you going to answer? What kinds of help and resources are you going to offer people?
Most importantly, what are you going to write that will make you stand out from the crowd of other MLM businesses marketing online?
Topics for People Already in MLM
It may seem odd to offer tips and advice on your MLM website or blog for people already in an MLM business, especially if those people are in a different MLM than the one you promote. But, it actually does make sense to help those people for two reasons.
First, by answering questions with which people already in MLM are struggling, you eventually become a recognized expert in the field, which gives you credibility and visibility when new prospects search for an MLM business to join. Second, by offering sound advice that actually works, you will attract some people already in an MLM into your business. This conversion rate will be small but may contribute significantly to your group volume.
So how can you write helpful advice for people already in an MLM business? Write articles and blog posts that answer these 9 questions.
1. What is the biggest problem you struggle with in your own MLM business?
2. What is the biggest problem people in your group struggle with?
3. What problems are being addressed and discussed on your team or company’s training calls?
4. What problems are being addressed on webinars and teleconferences offered by other groups outside your team and company?
5. What problems do you see MLMers struggling with that are not being addressed at all?
6. What problems are specific to your chosen method of prospecting (three-way calling, online MLM marketing, home parties)?
7. Where have you found the best answers and resources to solve these problems?
8. What are the most common questions asked by MLM newbies in online forums or on “getting started” teleconference trainings?
9. What will be the most important problems that need to be solved in MLM in the near or far future?
Bonus Round
Analyze a bunch of people out there answering questions and solving MLM problems. Are their solutions really working? Are they offering solutions that actually ring true to you or are they just parroting the same old lines that you have heard in a hundred MLM seminars and trainings? If you keep hearing the same stuff, then look outside the MLM industry. Is there someone in another niche or industry who is offering solutions that might work for MLM?
Topics to Attract People Looking for the Right MLM
The second group of people you want to write for is the group looking for the right MLM opportunity. These people may not yet be sure that MLM is right for them, but have heard enough about the possibilities of MLM to be actively doing research. For these people, you want to write content that answers questions like these:
1. Is MLM right for you?
2. What kind of personality types excel in MLM?
3. What does it really take to successfully do MLM in terms of hours and dollars?
4. How many different ways would someone be able to market your MLM business or product?
5. How do different compensation plans compare?
6. How does one investigate the track record and trustworthiness of various MLM companies?
7. What kind of training is available for people who join an MLM, and for people who join your team?
8. Does a new signup have to prospect the same way his or her upline does? The same way you do?
9. What are the qualities of a successful MLM business builder (one who really earns a paycheck that covers all the bills, and more)?
Bonus Round
What kinds of questions can you answer on your website or blog that will help you pre-qualify prospects before they ever dial your phone number or zip you an email? What can you tell people about your business that helps them decide whether they want to take the next step or not? Here are topics that will help you pre-qualify leads from your website or blog:
– MLM is not a job, it’s a business
– MLM is not a “get rich quick” scheme, ever
– MLM is not for snobs but for people with open minds
– Some of the most successful MLM business owners were the hardest bring in
– You will work just as hard at MLM as in any other small business, but MLM will pay you more money and for a longer period of time
– MLM doesn’t require you to have a bunch of skills, but having a few skills and a lot of willingness help you go far
Get the picture?
To Attract People Not Yet Looking for MLM
This third group is a whole different kettle of fish and one that I’m not going to try to cover in this article. However, once you have been writing for the first two groups for a while, and have developed a unique voice that people find interesting, then you might consider writing for this third group.
To attract people who are not actively looking to join an MLM but “would be perfect for your opportunity,” you have to adopt a whole new style of writing. You have to write pieces that both speak to this group’s current interests and tempt them to explore new interests, such as MLM. This kind of writing is far trickier and requires a lot more homework, so we’ll save that set of instructions for another day.
In the meantime, learning to get online and writing for the first two groups will give you plenty of homework.